Sunday, May 17, 2009

April 2009

PH (08) 9937 2043
The rods and reels of the Easter group of anglers. They are all Penns, Saltigas, Stellas, Van Stal and Riobi Safaris
With gear like that you would expect to catch fish, and so they did, see the story below.
A very busy month for the boats, Easter Holidays occurred in the school holidays and is was full on chaos
over the Easter break with some of the best weather this year and mackerel going ballistic at the Sand Patch.
Every boat out during Easter would have got their bag limit each day.
I have so much content this month that I am going to have to leave some stuff out and hopefully add it in next
month when things quieten down with all the boats out on hire up north such as Coral Bay, Gnaraloo & Thevenard Island

Successful Annual Trip
Steve Pickering was up again with his usual group and a new face, staying in my accommodation and receiving the boat hire discounts.
They flew up via Skywest with me picking them up from the airport. They took the 6.1m boat for 4 days picking up
tuna each day, finally striking it lucky on the fourth day landing a bunch of mackerel
Great trip.Thanks everyone for a wonderful trip and many happy reflections overthe coming months. Here's a selection of some of the pics...Cheers, Philip

The tuna were south along the cliffs

And the mackerel north of the river.

Part of the group enjoying the enclosed back section of my accommodation unit
Another happy group
Ryan says it all

Hi Laurie,
Sorry for the late pics, the couple that had the camera took off up north, and just were able to email back.
Also attached is a “real” mahi mahi, not the pee wee’s you get around here. That was off Cozumel Island in Mexico.
We caught a bunch of them, but this was the largest bull.
Thanks again for the accommodation and Boat Hire,
The 7.8m boat was surprisingly easy to use, great design and amazing fuel efficiency (almost beats my 70hp 2 stroke!!). Accommodation was perfect, and good value.
Thanks again, and we’ll do it again.
PS – That’s Amanda Hensen, (from Perth), with the Dhu Fish, Emily Merrill, (from Houston), with the Tuna, and Paul Hoskin (Perth) with tuna.

Launching the 7.8m boat early morning. The Mahi mahi caught in Mexico
Ryan Snodgrass

Hi Laurie,
Its Wayne Levett, thanks for the boat hire it really made the holiday for myself and Gary my friend.
We are very impressed with the quality of the boat you hired us and especially impressed with the fishing in Kalbarri.
I went on to catch 9 tailor over the next two days from the blue holes thanks to a local by the name of Paul who gave me lots of tips
& ps I did not think much to the three sharks that were rubbing against my legs whilst I was fishing off the blue holes, I trod on one whilst
I was pulling in a tailor and fell clean over panicking to get out of the water but I landed the fish and they never bit me.
They were approx 3 foot black sharks possibly wobbly gongs and I had one reef shark trying to take my tailor as i reeled them past the edge of the reef.
thank you very much for all your help it was a service second to none when you delivered me another rig to the jetty on Sunday afternoon, awsome.
From Wayne and Gary see you next visit. You are highly recommended.

Thanks for the compliments Wayne!
Wayne and Greg had a ball catching mackerel out in my 5.3m boat early April, landing these fish. Wayne hired one of my rods & reels and used one of his own as well.
He had some serious line management problems with his own tackle, lost 2 lures, and ended up with what looked
like about 20 metres of line left on his reel!
Holding up their catch at the boat ramp.

First mac and first tuna
David Brest was delighted with his first mackerel and first tuna on a recent trip out with me. Hiring the 7.8m for 2 days taking the
family out the first day things were quiet with just a few bottom fish such as snapper and baldchin. The second day without
the family it all went off for him with multiple hook-ups of tuna to start, and then triple hook-ups of mackerel.
David took advantage of the popular accommodation and boat hire package that we offer, saving lots on boat hire.
“Bite of the month” this month was hotly contested, with a few fish vying for the honours. The biggest tuna for the month
goes to Chris Ruck and his partner. With little experience in the way of trolling, Chris hired the 5.3m boat, 2 rods and bought 2 lures.
I told him to go to the Sand Patch, put the lures out and hold on. Whilst free spooling the first lure out at the Sand Patch it was
munched by something, the reel exploded into a birds nest and broke off. The lure had lasted 30 seconds! The second lure went out
resulting in a couple of mackerel and the third fish turned out to be this 25kg yellow-fin which they took turns during the 1 hour
fight. Great fish for a first time troller. It is not always that easy Chris.

See all the previous Bite of the Month winners on my website.

A still from a video shot of the whale shark that was seen south of the river mouth by Geoff Bradbury
The same whale shark was seen earlier by my 6.1m boat at the Sand Patch

Return Trip
Andrew Martin hired my 5.3m boat last January and ended up being “Bite of the Month, landing an 8kg
pink snapper on the troll, as well as a couple of mackerel. Back up again this month showing his New Zealand parents around WA,
Andrew hired the 6.1m and got into a few tuna. Andrew’s girlfriend, Bree, holds up one of the tuna.
4 remarkable days at Easter
Daniel Kwek has been coming up every Easter for the last 6 year hiring one of my boats.
This year the group ballooned out to 11 guys, so two boats were on order. The mackerel and tuna fishing was going ballistic
with everyone bagging out, even those that had never caught fish before!
See the conditions in the above photos. The 6.1m on a glassed out day, all holding up fish with one angler still hooked up on light line!

The water was so clear I managed to get some underwater shots of mackerel

A big tuna for Tom, this was the pending “Bite of the Month” but this 23kg fish was later knocked off by a bigger one!

Bottom fishing was fairly quiet, punctuated by big sambos and more tuna

Some things I learnt over Easter
Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket.Walk softly and carry a big carrot.
Everyone needs a friend who is all ears.
There’s no such thing as too much candy.All work and no play can make you a basket case.
A cute little tail attracts a lot of attention.
Everyone is entitled to a bad hare day.
Let happy thoughts multiply like rabbits.Some body parts should be floppy.
Keep your paws off other people’s jellybeans.
Good things come in small sugar-coated packages.
The grass is always greener in someone else’s basket.
An Easter bonnet can tame even the wildest hare.
To show your true colours - you have to come out of your shell.
The best things in life are still sweet and gooey.
Foul Hooked or What?
My Son Ben came up during the holidays and hired my 6.1m boat with 3 of his mates. They spent a couple of days
searching for fish, picking up a couple of tuna here and there. On the last day he asked me to come out
with him & “put him on the spot” The water had started to turn green after an unprecedented mackerel onslaught
a few days back but a move to deeper water resulted in us picking up numerous mackerel and tuna to the point of having
to release most fish. I got a mackerel but look where I hooked it!!!! Right in the tail! I had to drag it backwards all the way to the boat.
Marlin Trip
I will be in Exmouth on Friday starting my marlin trip. What happens will be in next months newsletter.
Thevenard Island
This year the 6.1m and 7.8m boats are already booked for Thevenard Island in the Mackerel Islands group off Onslow.
Helen will take your accommodation booking if you would like to visit. Phone her on 9184 6444
Check out the website:

Gnaraloo Station
Gnaraloo contacts for accommodation:
Barbara: 9315 4809

Game, Bottom and Beach Fishing Action
These links will take you to Youtube showing some great action video clips taken from
my boats and also a very good mulloway from the beach.
Triple tuna hook-up
Dhuie and snapper
Beach mulloway

Noel and Robyn are willing to accept bookings for my boats at Port Gregory
I will deliver the boat down there for 2 or more days hire for free.
& return it to Kalbarri for you.

Remember if you rent our accommodation in Kalbarri you get big discounts on our boats.
Have a look on my website for the details, and check out the savings.

5-day weather forecasts, go to virtual buoys, pick the location you want.
This is the one I go by!

Big bait – big fish